Friday, May 23, 2008

Thanks, Ted!

New Hampshire listener Ted Lehmann, a "retired English teacher/college professor who has a number of interests and enthusiasms," has taken the time to plug this site and profile your humble reporter on his own blog. If you'd like to read his article, you'll find it here.

Some of you may already read Ted's writings, which can be found at He obviously is passionate about bluegrass and always provides some insightful comments about and reviews of bands he's seen and heard.

Thanks, Ted, for the notice, and for being such an avid supporter of bluegrass.

By the way, do you have your own blog or website? Feel free to plug it by posting a comment to this post! --K.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kyle,

Love your blog. I am going to add it to my blogroll.

I too enjoy Ted Lehmann's site.

Mine is

I write of my experiences as a Doc and semi-professional bluegrass musician. As far as I know it is the only physician bluegrass fiction writer's weblog.

I welcome visits from all who love bluegrass or want to learn more about why we love it so.

Dr. Tom Bibey

Kyle said...

Dr. Tom--

You have a great blog! Thanks for sharing it with us.